
Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Dramatism and Dramatistic Pentad*

By Kathleen M. German

DRAMATISM, or dramaturgy, is an approach taken to understand the uses of symbols in the social world. This approach is important to communication theory because a primary use of symbols occurs through language. Such a focus on the symbolic uses of language to influence is inherently rhetorical. In addition, dramatism seeks to understand the human world as a symbolic world of drama in which language is a strategic, motivated response to specific situations. As such, language is viewed as a mode of symbolic action rather than a repository of knowledge, and the use of language or other symbols to induce cooperation among human beings is the focus of investigation. To develop the concept of dramatism further, this entry will look at the contributors to and key assumptions of dramatism and its associated method, the dramatistic pentad.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Sejarah Film: Dari Bisu ke Suara

M. Aswan Zanynu
Peminat Isu Komunikasi

SEJAK pertama kali dipertontonkan di depan umum pada Desember 1895, semua film hitam-putih dan bisu. Suara dalam film baru diperkenalkan tahun 1920-an. Untuk memberi efek suara pada film, instrumen piano biasanya dimainkan di belakang layar saat sebuah film diputar. Upaya mengisi suara juga dilakukan dengan cara serupa saat film sedang diputar. Beberapa aktor/aktris bersuara di belakang layar menirukan dialog yang muncul dalam film. Eksperimen warna juga baru dimulai pada tahun 1930-an.